Using WildFly Glow to provision the Wildfly server

Here is a sample project created by Kabir showing the usage of WildFly Glow:

In its pom.xml it contains a glow profile that shows the Glow usage:

                    <!-- deploys the quickstart on root web context -->

With the above configuration, you can see the layers configurations are not required. To build the project, Glow needs to download necessary components, and you may need to set HTTP proxy:

$ MAVEN_OPTS='-Dhttp.proxyHost=your_proxy_host -Dhttp.proxyPort=your_proxy_port -Dhttps.proxyHost=your_proxy_host -Dhttps.proxyPort=your_proxy_port' mvn install -Pglow

Here is the output of the build process:

[INFO] Glow scanning DONE.
[INFO] context: bare-metal
[INFO] enabled profile: none
[INFO] galleon discovery
[INFO] - feature-packs
- layers

[INFO] Some suggestions have been found. You could enable suggestions with --suggest option (if using the WildFly Glow CLI) or <suggest>true</suggest> (if using the WildFly Maven Plugin).
[INFO] Provisioning server in /Users/weli/works/vlog-glow/target/server
[INFO] Resolving feature-packs
[INFO] Installing packages
[INFO] Resolving artifacts
[INFO] Generating configurations
[INFO] Delayed generation, waiting...
[INFO] Copy deployment /Users/weli/works/vlog-glow/target/glow-example.war to /Users/weli/works/vlog-glow/target/server/standalone/deployments/ROOT.war

From the above output you can see the needed layers are found and it will be put into the provisioned server:

➤ find . | grep microprofile
➤ pwd

The above is the usage of the WildFly Glow. The tool depends on the layers that exists in WildFly codebase. For example, here is one layer definition:

Please note that not all the feature packs has relative layer definitions.

Here are some references:

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