Learning About Quarkus RESTEasy Reactive and Microprofile Rest Client Reactive

I have played with quarkus-resteasy-reactive and quarkus-rest-client-reactive for a while and would like to share some learning experiences with you in this blog.

Firstly, the best articles I’ve found to learn to use the components is Quarkus own documents:

They are well written and should definitely be read first, which covers a lot of details on how to using them.

As Mutiny provides a unique way to wrap the reactive APIs, and because these reactive components use its Uni and Multi as standard way to wrap the asynchronous objects, so it’s better to learn how to use Mutiny firstly. And here is the article I start with:

Quarkus now supports both Jsonb and Jackson as JSON provider:


You should from one of the above projects as your JSON provider. For me I used the jackson one. And please note that you can’t use the reactive library and non-reactive library at same time, or Quarkus will throw error to you.

But you can use reactive library for RESTEasy part, but using the non-reactive libraries for other parts, such as rest-client or hibernate-panache, which will not have conflicts, because they are independent from each other. But for me I’d like to stick all by libraries to the reactive ones.

Now come to rest-client part. Here is the dependency of the rest-client-reactive:


One thing to note that currently RESTEasy has not supported HTTP/2 yet, and above Quarkus components are all relying on RESTEasy mainstream, which means if you are using you can not do HTTP/2 communication yet with above components.

Here are relative issues which are work in progress if you are interested in:

The other thing I’d like to talk is that how to register the ClientResponseFilter and ClientRequestFilter into your REST client. For example here is a ProxyFilter that implements the filter interfaces:

public class ProxyFilter implements ClientResponseFilter, ClientRequestFilter {

And you have a REST client like this:

@Path("/foo") // todo : use real URL
public interface FooClient {
   Uni<String> get();

And then you use it in your service:

FooClient client;

And if you find the filters are not working, you can try to manually build a client instead of using @RestClient to inject it:

var client = RestClientBuilder.newBuilder()

Then the filter is working as expected. This behavior may change in the future, but currently it’s useful to me.

If you want to do a multipart form POST action, this article is useful to you:

Nevertheless, sometimes some microservices provides an file upload API that doesn’t support multipart form and ask you to POST the file directly, I write the REST client like this and it works:

public interface FooProxy {

    Uni<Response> upload(@HeaderParam("Authorization") String Authorization,
                         @HeaderParam("Date") String Date,
                         @PathParam("bucket") String bucket,
                         @PathParam("directory") String directory,
                         @PathParam("filename") String filename,
                         File file);

This code is extracted from real scenario and as you can see the last parameter type is File, which is not a class annotated with @MultipartForm. Doing a Wireshark packet analyze, and I can see the HTTP request is correctly generated:

PUT *** HTTP/1.1
Authorization: ***
Content-Length: 102117
Content-Type: */*
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2021 12:46:56 GMT
host: ***

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From above we can see a JPEG image file is uploaded to a microservice API directly, and the response is HTTP.1.1 200 OK.

Above are some of my learning experiences on using Quarkus RESTEasy Reactive and REST Client Reactive, hope it’s useful to you.

Have fun! :D

My Github Page: https://github.com/liweinan

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